Fans of Raw Thrills titles have a lot to be excited about lately, as they have been cranking out one new release after the other. Today we have updates on three of these games: Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR, T-Rex Safari VR Adventure, and Marvel: Contest of Champions. Let’s break ’em down:
Godzilla VR Trailer
The trailer for Raw Thrills’ current flagship game has been on a weird journey – currently this is the third time that the trailer has been uploaded to YouTube. The first one had no sound, but I must have missed what the issue was on the second. Here is the current one – hopefully the third time is a charm.
RT is certainly not being shy about how they feel about Godzilla, as you can tell by the thumbnail 😉 As I’ve said before, the game feels a lot like Gunblade NY, just with a modern graphics package and the VR. A version without the VR and a curved screen would be cool to see, although there aren’t any plans that I know of to release a model variation:
T-Rex Safari Trailer & New Cab Shot
For the lower profile release of T-Rex Safari VR Adventure, Raw Thrills has posted a new trailer, cabinet shot, and a game page for this to their website. That page also has some screenshots of the game, for anyone interested.
It’s also safe to assume that, according to this chart, here are the dinosaurs you can see/meet in the game:
The cabinet has only changed in terms of colors:
Marvel: Contest of Champions Details
Several distributors have listed Marvel: Contest of Champions on their sites, although as of this moment I haven’t heard that it is shipping – but it should be here soon. With that in mind, you can order one now, if you are interested. This uses the same cabinet as the 2-player Minecraft Dungeons Arcade and has two series of cards. Across those, there are “foil and non-foil cards,” covering 100 Marvel characters, but 200 cards to collect. There is no game page or trailer for this one yet, but we can safely assume this will be changing soon.
I did film this one at Amusement Expo, although many of you have probably played it at Dave & Busters already:
That’s all I have for now – which of these new Raw Thrills games interests you the most?
About the author: arcadehero View all posts by arcadehero
I’m a lifelong fan of video games and I have been operating my own arcade, Arcade Galactic in West Valley City, Utah since 2008. Soft spots in my heart for Atari, Sega, and Nintendo.