Arcade Heroes International Bowl Expo 2024 Preview

Posted by Ongames247 on June - 30 - 2024

It’s time for your middle-of-the-year arcade event known as Bowl Expo, although this one is meant to focus on bowling. Since most bowling centers happen to have an arcade on-site, their annual get-together now boasts a stronger presence of arcade game makers. It’s not as well attended by those companies as something like Amusement Expo, but there is still a showing. So what will be there? Let’s take a quick look:

Bowl Expo – Games From Our Advertisers

Three of Arcade Heroes’ advertisers will be there with new product, so starting alphabetically, we have Amusement Source International. They’ll be teaming up with Dreamfuns, a Chinese crane manufacturer while also showing off new products like Thunderbolt Shot and this Augmented Reality alley bowler, Zombie Rolling:

While you can go and play it at Dave & Busters right now, Raw Thrills will show off NBA Superstars to the wider industry for the first time. I’ll have to see if I can possibly get a direct capture of this one. They will also have all of their other latest releases on hand, such as Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR (I asked the other day and no word yet on chapter 3; Bowl Expo will have the production version instead of the prototype though) and Marvel: Contest of Champions.

Touch Magix will debut a Pudgy Penguins crane, alongside the Pudgy Penguins Polar Challenge videmption game that debuted at IAAPA 2023. By the looks of it from the new ad that TM sent along, it looks like a standard crane with PP branding, as opposed to something like Carnival Cups Crane, which had an interactive side to it. But, it also appears to have official PP plush, which is the first time that TouchMagix has stepped into that realm.

Bowl Expo – Everyone Else

As far as I have seen, everyone else on this list (excepting one) will be reflecting their Amusement Expo line-ups. Of course they may have fewer cabinets of specific games than were there, but I’m not expecting any new surprises from the following:

Andamiro USA hasn’t sent out any release about their Bowl Expo presence, but they are on the exhibitors list. I’d guess they’ll be there with their recent redemption games like Wacky Racers and Krazy Balls.

Bandai Namco wasn’t on the exhibitors list when I’d looked at it a couple of weeks ago, but they are there now. They usually don’t announce anything prior to shows and they have debuted games at Bowl Expo before, although I’d be surprised if this were the place where they brought Taiko No Tatsujin or Goldstorm Pirates. I wouldn’t complain if they did though! Otherwise, I’d expect Animal Kaiser+, Pac-Man’s Pixel Bash for Charity, and Tower Island to be there.

Bay Tek Entertainment used to bring lots of prototypes to shows but they aren’t doing that anymore. I’d guess they’ll focus on their sports games that would appeal to bowling centers.

Coastal Amusements is the one exception I referred to, as they’ll debut a new ball drop redemption game called Level Up at the show.

Elaut Group USA may have a video game around that they’ve imported, or they may just have a smaller version of Amusement Expo.

ICE hasn’t debuted a video game or videmption game in quite a while, so I haven’t filmed them much. They still have been launching a number of sports games though, so I’d guess that those will be their focus.

JET Games just launched their Mega Shot game that we’ve discussed a few times, so that should be headlining their booth along with their assortment of sporting titles.

Komuse will be there although their website isn’t showing any new games.

LAI Games with Air Strike DX, Cosmic Tower, Dragon’s Bane, and SMASH. I’d guess they won’t have four SMASHes this time though.

Rilix recently launched a new look for their VR coaster although we’ll have to see if they launch a new kind of machine or not.

Sega with Mission: Impossible Arcade DX (it’s too bad that M:I7 Part 2 isn’t hitting theaters right now), Skillfall Revolution, and Capto Candy crane. Their Bowl Expo release doesn’t mention Apex Rebels.

Stern Pinball is there, so I would expect John Wick to be available. I haven’t had a chance to play that one yet, so here will be my first time on it. Stern doesn’t reveal new games at shows like this though.

Triotech’s presence at smaller shows may only have a game or two, which could be Super Blaster and/or Storm VR in this case.

UNIS will be focused on their various crane options, along with Bigfoot Mayhem. They should have a bit more than that as they have two booth spaces, but if they had something new-new, they’d have announced it already.

Valley-Dynamo does have a video game, Jet Pong, that they’ve been showing for a while, but I would be surprised if they had something else in that category. They could always show off a new air hockey table though.

That fills it for now – stay tuned to the blog and YouTube for videos from the expo!

About the author: arcadehero View all posts by

I’m a lifelong fan of video games and I have been operating my own arcade, Arcade Galactic in West Valley City, Utah since 2008. Soft spots in my heart for Atari, Sega, and Nintendo.




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